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Phd thesis globalization

Phd thesis globalization

phd thesis globalization

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The Effects of Globalization on an Emerging Economy: The Case of South Africa. Oluwasheyi S. OladipoGraduate Center, City University of New York Follow. Econometrics Growth and Development Income Distribution International Economics Labor Economics Macroeconomics. This dissertation examines how globalization influences selected aspects of an emerging economy, using South Africa as a case study.

The dissertation consists of phd thesis globalization chapters: two microeconomic studies and one macroeconomic paper on the effects of globalization on some of the factors affecting economic growth. One micro paper explores the impacts of openness on inequality Chapter 1another investigates the impacts of trade liberalization on manufacturing sector wages Chapter 2and the macro study, phd thesis globalization, which is the final chapter, examines the effects of inflation targeting on exchange rate pass through to domestic prices Chapter 3.

Inapartheid ended in South Africa and the re-integration of the country into the global economy began, phd thesis globalization. Many studies in this area of research have focused on developed countries and some emerging and newly industrialized economies.

The following three essays highlight the implications of openness on different aspects of South African economy. The first essay examines the relationship between globalization and income inequality in South Africa.

Despite the importance that is often attached to globalization, its impact in developing countries remains poorly understood. To the best of our knowledge, there is as yet no conclusive empirical study of its impact on inequality in South Africa. Thus, the second essay extends the discussion in the first essay by looking at the impact of a specific aspect of globalization, i.

After the currency crashes of the late s, a growing number of emerging economies moved away from exchange rate rigidity to the adoption of a combination of flexible exchange rates and inflation targeting.

The third and final essay explores whether the direction and size of changes in the exchange rate have different pass-through effects on import prices. That is, whether the exchange rate pass-through is symmetric or asymmetric.

Oladipo, phd thesis globalization, Oluwasheyi S. CUNY Academic Works. Econometrics Commonsphd thesis globalization, Growth and Development CommonsIncome Distribution Phd thesis globalizationInternational Economics CommonsLabor Economics CommonsMacroeconomics Commons. Advanced Search. Home About FAQ My Account Accessibility Statement.

Privacy Copyright. Skip to main content. Home About FAQ Contact My Account, phd thesis globalization. Title The Effects of Globalization on an Emerging Economy: The Case of South Africa.

Author Oluwasheyi S. Subject Categories Econometrics Growth and Development Income Distribution International Economics Labor Economics Macroeconomics. Phd thesis globalization Globalization, Trade Liberalization, Inequality, South Africa, Labor. Abstract This dissertation examines how globalization influences selected aspects of an emerging economy, using South Africa as a case study.

Recommended Citation Oladipo, Oluwasheyi S. Included in Econometrics CommonsGrowth and Development CommonsIncome Distribution CommonsInternational Economics CommonsLabor Economics CommonsMacroeconomics Commons. Browse Colleges, Schools, Centers Disciplines Authors Search Enter search terms:.

in this series in this repository across all repositories. Links CUNY Graduate Center CUNY. Digital Commons.

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phd thesis globalization

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