Feb 23, · Graduate Degree Program Proposal Example and Templates Example: Full proposal submitted by the College of Engineering for an M.S. and Ph.D. Program in Environmental and Ecological Engineering (EEE), Purdue University, West Lafayette FULL PROPOSALS SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: COVER PAGE FOR DEGREE PROGRAM PROPOSALFile Size: 1MB Descriptive Title of Proposal in Arial, 14 pt Font, Centered. Author of the proposal in Times Roman, italic 12 point font, centered, Department of XXXX (in Times Roman, 12 pt font, centered) [Repeat as required for multiple authors]. Introduction. This section should consist of a brief overview of project being proposed and a brief statement on the multidisciplinary nature of the project and Author: mseelinger Nov 20, · Beginning research students are often anxious about page count. Again, the number of pages depends on the project. But as a guide, since the proposal is to be between and words, we may suggest pages for introduction, pages for methodology, pages for literature review and for the rest
Well-Written PhD Research Proposal Sample
Students are expected to submit an initial research proposal at the time of application. The purpose of this paper is to assist the students to prepare the proposal. The final proposal is usually developed under supervision in the first semester of candidature and, therefore, the initial one is necessarily brief.
The initial proposal serves two purposes. First, it allows the Higher Degrees Committee HDC to assess the degree of preparedness of the student including a preliminary judgment on the potential scholarship of the student. Second, it allows the HDC to assign suitable supervisors for the project if at all. If suitable supervisors cannot be found, the application has to be rejected. Some research projects may require material resources other than what MNU can afford to provide.
The research proposal with the application is not expected to be a fully developed one. Students will be required to develop a detailed research proposal in the first year of their studies. In fact, a detailed proposal at the time of application will not be possible because the research proposal evolves as the student reads on the subject of the research. Many PhD students complete theses that are markedly different from what they set out to do initially. That said, applicants are expected to have a clear sense of the general research project that they will complete during their studies at MNU.
The expected length of the proposal is between and words. The proposal may be double spaced in A4 Paper. About 6 to 10 pages are sufficient. It is difficult to specify precise composition and length as some proposals can be long and one page research proposal for phd, and others short and clear. A short search of the World Wide Web one page research proposal for phd indicate to you that the structure of the initial proposal varies slightly from one example to another.
But, at the same time, you one page research proposal for phd notice that many contain the following elements, although the order of the parts may differ slightly. Therefore, the following are not prescriptive; students may modify it to suit their particular research project or study.
The title should immediately give a clear idea of the proposed research project or the study. Try as much as you can to include the key words in the title. Avoid any figurative or idiomatic expressions in the title, one page research proposal for phd.
The title should be descriptive and focused without being overly wordy. Every research project is aimed at solving a problem, one page research proposal for phd. The introduction gives the necessary background to the research problem so that the reader can understand the context of what you plan to do. Sometimes, the problem is linked to the available data or the lack of them, making a case for the significance of the research. You should expressly write the purpose of the research and, if possible, the research questions that would be answered by the study.
Most research is conducted to test a hypothesis or to seek answers to questions that you have raised. The introduction section must outline the significance or the rationale of the study. Unless the study is seen to advance the knowledge in an area, the HDC will not approve your application.
Therefore, in this section you have to convince the reader that your study will not only answer the research questions or solve the problem you have raised, further the understanding in the area, one page research proposal for phd, and possibly lead to further research projects. Try to persuade the reader of the importance and the benefits of the project.
In this section you will normally write the detailed steps you would take to find the answers to the questions you have posed.
You may like to include the dependent and independent variables, the sampling you would adopt, the data sources and the instruments used to collect the data. You may have to describe why you one page research proposal for phd one method over another and one instrument over another.
If you are going to use structured interviews, for example, you will describe how you will develop and pilot them. This section describes how the data you collected using the methods proposed will be analysed to answer your research questions. You can mention the statistical or data analysis methods and packages you will be using if your data is mainly quantitative.
If your research design incorporates elements of qualitative methods, you may describe what you would do to the data to tease out the conclusions. Most students would conduct a brief review of relevant literature or, at least, outline the areas of literature that they wish to review. The purpose of the literature review is to demonstrate your knowledge of the topic and the key issues regarding the topic. The review increases your familiarity with the topic and identifies the implications for your project.
At the same time, it helps to place your study in the larger context of previous studies. The information is useful to the researcher in designing the study to avoid pitfalls and replication of previous studies. More importantly, it informs the HDC that the study is new, useful and extends the available knowledge on the topic — a requirement of any higher degree.
In some proposals the periods of time you would be engaging in various activities of the project are listed. This informs the HDC that the students is aware of the magnitude of the tasks and has a plan of action. The limitations describe the practical or theoretical limits that are placed on the study, which are beyond your control. You may have to sample islands. Delimitations are what you wish to exclude for some reasons.
They are the limits that you determine. Both limitations and delimitations restrict the conclusions you can draw from your data. This section lists the references you have cited in your proposal. In some instances, a bibliography is included in which case literature that would be useful to the study are listed. References and bibliographies are not identical, one page research proposal for phd. Modifications and page count. Initial proposals are written in a variety of formats.
The above is for illustration only and may be adapted freely. Sometimes, the literature view and the limitations are discussed in the Introduction section. Methodology, Limitations and delimitations and Data analysis may be grouped together. Separate sections may be created for Research questions or Significance of study.
Depending on the project, a section on Resources required may become useful. Often, the particular research project determines what headings you would use to structure your proposal.
Beginning research students are often anxious about page count. Again, the number of pages depends on the project. But as a guide, since the proposal is to be between and words, we may suggest 1.
But, as one page research proposal for phd are free to merge different sections such numbers may be more distractive than helpful. Remediation of Misconceptions about Chemical Equilibrium: a CAI Strategy. Teachers and researchers have noted that students continue to hold onto naïve ideas about natural phenomena even after they have been instructed on them. Misconceptions have been shown to be very resistant to change and many students complete their schooling while still clinging to these misconceptions.
They may use the scientific explanations in examinations, but in their beliefs the misconceptions linger on Novak, The literature on misconceptions can be divided into three types: descriptive studies that try to catalogue misconceptions in a given subject or topic; explanatory studies that try to explain the reasons for conceptual stability and change and third type which attempts to foster conceptual change using the theoretical basis for conceptual change. The crucial role misconceptions play in impeding concept learning is well established, one page research proposal for phd.
Many studies continue to document misconceptions in various science topics. However, very few explanatory studies have been conducted to investigate the nature of conceptual change and stability. Practical instructional strategies based on conceptual change theories have not been fully researched and their curriculum implications remain in the realm of the unknown, one page research proposal for phd.
The purpose of this study is twofold. The topic area chosen is chemical equilibrium— an area in which earlier researchers have identified 14 different misconceptions. Chemical equilibrium is recognized as of the most difficult topics of. Chemistry at school level, one page research proposal for phd. This study, therefore, may suggest useful ways of teaching this topic.
Additionally, the study may contribute towards improving the way students are taught and curriculum materials are produced. More specifically, the research questions of the study are the following:. In this study, I propose to use a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods to gather data. The incidences of misconceptions are more amenable to data collection by quantitative methods. Participant observation, interviews and reflection are more suited when the data need to be richer, as for example, in the case of attitudes to use the CAI package.
Pencil and paper tests and an interview instrument developed by Hackling and Garnett will be used in pretest and posttest phases of the research. An interview instrument will be developed for the teachers, piloted and used.
CAI Package The CAI package will be developed to address each misconception identified by Hackling and Garnett The nature of the misconception will be analyzed to identify the chemical propositions misunderstood by the students. Then the strategy of Posner et al.
Procedure Students will be exposed to traditional instruction in chemical equilibrium and then tested to identify misconceptions. Students will then work through CAI package.
A post test will be administered. The data from these will be triangulated by interviews with students and teachers. Control groups may be used. Data analysis. The data will be analyzed by statistical packages, interviews transcribed, and coded to obtain the outcomes.
Sample research proposal video
, time: 13:40Jan 06, · A research proposal is a document of around 3,, words outlining the research you are going to undertake. The majority of universities require PhD applicants to submit a research proposal when applying for a PhD position. Find PhD programmes abroad Writing one page research proposal This brief notes is for potential candidates who wish to do PhD level research with me at the University of Melbourne. I always request one page proposal to potential research candidates and current students who are in probationary candidature before writing the confirmation or conversion blogger.com Size: 18KB Feb 23, · Graduate Degree Program Proposal Example and Templates Example: Full proposal submitted by the College of Engineering for an M.S. and Ph.D. Program in Environmental and Ecological Engineering (EEE), Purdue University, West Lafayette FULL PROPOSALS SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: COVER PAGE FOR DEGREE PROGRAM PROPOSALFile Size: 1MB
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