Sample Essay On the Impacts of London Olympics on the United Kingdom’s Tourism Sector. Introduction. Olympics are one of the world’s most popular sports events. They attract most of the world’s attention, for example the London Olympics involved 16, athletes from over countries, technicians, 21, official media personalities and 4, official Olympic officers, develop young people. This study will examine how the London Olympic Games can be used to help promote widespread benefits for young people through the theory of social capital, but also how through social capital, our schools and communities can also be effected by the ‘youth sports legacy’ and everything the Olympic Games stands for Start receiving proposals Dissertation London Olympics from our writers Dissertation London Olympics within minutes and chat with them live. You still don't have to pay at this stage. Ready to select one of the writers? Deposit funds into your EssayHelp balance so that a writer can work on your order. Attention: You didn't actually pay the writer yet!/10()
Explore more content. pdf 5. An evaluation of the image impact of hosting the Summer Dissertation london olympics Games for the city of London.
Cite Download 5. Contemporarily, the hosting of mega-events MEs is one of several strategies used by cities and governments to bring about improvements in a place s image and recognition. While London, host of the Olympic Games, is already considered to be a leading global city e. A key objective, therefore, for those involved in the development and delivery of the Olympic Games is to further enhance the image of the city both domestically and internationally and to minimise the risk of negative image formation DCMS, However, image, in the context of MEs, is not an easy component to control, as previous Olympic Games have demonstrated Shoval, ; Smith, The main purpose of this critical-realism-informed project, underpinned by theoretical-methodological social representation theory SRT Moscovici,dissertation london olympics,was to evaluate the domestic image impact of hosting the Olympics, pre- and post- Games, for the city of London.
Based then on social representation theory, and a combination of abductive and retroductive research strategies, a survey was carried out among British citizens to identify their opinions concerning London as a city or place brandthe Olympics as a ME, and the Games as a one-off dissertation london olympics. The main part of this questionnaire was comprised of randomised free word-association tasks qualitative using London, the Olympics and London Olympics as inductor terms; i.
Data analysis involved collating the responses of the free word-association tasks into semantic word clusters, with one word or phrase representing each theme be that an object, emotion, an opinion, etc.
The next level of analysis involved producing a similarity index and subsequent dendrogram, based on Kendal s correlation coefficient, that established the strength of the connections between the various elements of each social representation. The content and the structure of these pre- and post-event social representations were analysed and then compared to determine whether a.
hosting the Olympic Games represents an appropriate strategy to develop the city s domestic brand; b. a co-branding process occurred, expressed by an image transfer, from the event to the place, or vice-versa; and c.
the major differences between the images generated by those living closest to London, compared to those living elsewhere in the UK. While London s overall image does not go through any significant changes pre-to-post event, dissertation london olympics, the results of this study corroborate the value of sporting events in place branding strategies from a domestic perspective, but highlights some limitations, such as the exacerbation of London s pre-existing negative associations.
In terms of co-branding, the results do not reveal a co-branding process to have occurred between London and the overall image of the Olympics, but there is some movement of elements from London to the event related mainly to pre-Games anticipation and between the event and the overall Olympics related to the latter s unique defining associations.
Finally, in terms of the differences between the images generated by those living closest to London, compared to those living dissertation london olympics in the UK, there is a difference which appears to have been facilitated, at least in part, by a effect, with the event seemingly contributing to London being perceived as generally busier, dissertation london olympics, more expensive and more congested by those living closest to the city, dissertation london olympics more vibrant and more multicultural by those living elsewhere in the UK.
School Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences. Notes A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy of Loughborough University. Usage metrics. Categories Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified.
Keywords olympic games Co-branding London Place branding Place image Social representations. Licence CC BY-NC-ND 4. Exports Select an option RefWorks BibTeX Dissertation london olympics. manager Endnote DataCite NLM DC, dissertation london olympics.
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London 2012 Opening Ceremony: tribute to the NHS/children's literature
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The London Olympic Games are set to make history on carbon reduction issues and is the first of its kind concerning the infrastructure and worldwide publicity of Games. The venue of the Games will be the two hundred and forty-six hectare Olympic Park in east London and the western edge of the Thames Gateway While London, host of the Olympic Games, is already considered to be a leading global city (e.g. Anholt & GfK Roper, ), the potential image benefits to be accrued from hosting the Games may in fact impact more upon internal, domestic perceptions rather than on external, international perceptions (Anholt, Oon, Masure et al., ) Sample Essay On the Impacts of London Olympics on the United Kingdom’s Tourism Sector. Introduction. Olympics are one of the world’s most popular sports events. They attract most of the world’s attention, for example the London Olympics involved 16, athletes from over countries, technicians, 21, official media personalities and 4, official Olympic officers,
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