A Christmas Carol Sample Essay VCAA 1. A Christmas Carol ii. “This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want.” ‘A Christmas Carol contains lessons not only for Scrooge, but for the society of Dickens’s day.’ Discuss. Set against the backdrop of rampant industrialism, Charles Dickens’ classic novella, A Christmas Carol endorses the notion that all life is precious and equal A Christmas Carol Essay Words | 4 Pages. to write about A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I first read A Christmas Carol when I was younger but when I really got into the book was in 7th grade. A Christmas Carol was published on December 19, by Chapman and Hall in London Jun 27, · Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol illustrates many themes of the Victorian era. Poverty, charity and greed are major themes of this work. This essay highlights examples of these themes as portrayed by Dickens. Poverty was a striking characteristic of Victorian England, especially noticeable in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
FREE A christmas carol Essay
And in that dinner there would go the family. When Scrooge heard that he said, that Christmas as a humbug and that day would not exist. Fred insisted him but nothing made Scrooges decision changed.
Finally Fred leave the office and go to his dinner very happy. He also gets upset when his nephew, Fred, comes to visit and wishes him a merry Christmas. He does not care that Fred got married and jokes at the fact that he fell in love. Did they disa middle of paper atchit family by giving Bob a raise, sending an indisputable turkey to his family so they can have something to eat, and he also put heat on in the office so Bob does not have to get warm by a small candle flame.
In conclusion, Ebenezer Scrooge was a heartless, grumpy, and self-centered person. The first one was his deceased friend Jacob Marley. That ghost scared Scrooge out of his wits. Then there was the Ghost of Christmas Past, - a supernatural figure with white hair but not a single wrinkle in its face.
The Ghost of Christmas Present, a christmas carol essay help, a giant who is very golly and is dressed quite elegantly in a green robe. The last one the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. As A Christmas Carol starts, a christmas carol essay help, Scrooge is the cruel old man who is too cheap to do anything has needed to be done or care about anyone in need around him.
On Christmas eve Scrooge was visited by three ghosts, the ghost of the past, present, and future. He soon realizes how selfish he is and wants a second chance, a christmas carol essay help. Not caring about his employees, he tries to make Bob Cratchit work on Christmas. But after a lot of pleading, Scrooge lets him off for Christmas, but cuts his pay. Later on in the story the sprit his old dead friend and business partner, Jacob Marley, visits Scrooge in bed and warns him of the three sprits that are going to join him in the night.
The first sprit to join him at 1 o'clock, the second at 2 o'clock, and the third at 3 o'clock. As the clock strikes one, the first sprit joins him, the sprit of Christmas past. and stopped by a christmas carol essay help counting house to invite Scrooge to Christmas dinner.
Scrooge replies with a "Bah! Scrooge denies and asks if the prisons and workhouses are full, and refuses to give anything. The first ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Past, shows him how miserable he was as a child and how he became a grumpy old man. The reason he is the way his is today is his lost love left him for him loving money more than lovingnher. He is now giving and nice to others, a christmas carol essay help. Scrooge was very self-centered but then changed his ways and now cares about others feelings.
Scrooge was grumpy all of the time, but at the end he jumped out of bed very excited that it was Christmas and that he was going to celebrate Christmas a christmas carol essay help Bob Cratchit and his family. Ebenezer was giving at the end of the story, he a christmas carol essay help poor kids money, and helped save the Cratchits.
Larry had gained a friend in his father as he realizes what he was fighting him over is now taken. Larry's door closing was the realization that he was unable to marry his mother and have babies with her. Home Page A Christmas Carol Essay. A Christmas Carol Essay Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality.
In "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, Ebenezer Scrooge undergoes a transformation as a result of his encounters with three ghosts and becomes a kind, happy, and generous man. It a christmas carol essay help three Spirits to change his outlook on life - The Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present, and Future. The Ghost of Christmas Past makes Scrooge begin to regret his selfishness, and the Ghost of Christmas Present begins to teach him about others.
This second Ghost helps to make him realize that money doesn't buy happiness. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, however, teaches the most profound lesson of all: unless he changes, no one will care if Scrooge dies. Because of the Ghosts, by Christmas morning Ebenezer Scrooge is a completely different person from the man who went to bed on Christmas Eve. When Scrooge is shown his younger self alone in his classroom on Christmas, he regrets chasing a Christmas caroler away from his door.
The Spirit skips ahead a few years to show him a happier time. His sweet little sister Fan arrives to take him home, and this is his first Christmas in a long time that is spent with family. Instead of treating him like his only family member, Scrooge denies invitations to Christmas dinner every year and is rude whenever Fred speaks to him.
t, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three a christmas carol essay help strive within [him]. He buys a turkey bigger than Bob Cratchit's son and sends it to him, and instead of being a christmas carol essay help to the Poulterer, a christmas carol essay help, he pays for a cab to get them to Cratchit's home.
He then goes out with joy in his heart and bumps into a man who asked him to donate money to the poor the day before. As opposed to being unkind and cruel, the new and improved Scrooge donates a large sum of money to the cause happily. This kind, happy, and generous man is a complete change from the stingy and unkind Scrooge from Christmas Eve. If someone this awful can change, anyone and everyone can do the same.
They just need a little push in the right direction. Works Cited "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Get Access. Good Essays. Summary Of A Christmas Carol Words 3 Pages.
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A Christmas Carol - Thug Notes Summary \u0026 Analysis
, time: 5:02A Christmas Carol Essay | Bartleby
In the text ‘A Christmas Carol’, the author Charles Dickens presents the character of Ebenezer Scrooge as central to the moral message in a number of different ways. To identify this, a number of different aspects within the text shall be looked at. These include the morals of the story and the affects of this Christmas Carol emphasize the theory of money cannot buy happiness by showing Scrooge decision of choosing money and personal gains over family and love. Dicken's, "A Christmas Carol," shows that society should learn to live by imposing morals everyday and not just in holidays or special occasions. /5(10) Jun 27, · Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol illustrates many themes of the Victorian era. Poverty, charity and greed are major themes of this work. This essay highlights examples of these themes as portrayed by Dickens. Poverty was a striking characteristic of Victorian England, especially noticeable in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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